Message From Director

Greetings to everyone from Myanmar. Nice to meet you.

Thank you very much for your continued support to The Japan Foundation.
I am MATSUO Hirotaka, successor to Mr. Koji Sato, former Director of the Japan Foundation, Yangon.

Myanmar has become a much more developed country right now and the number of Japanese language learners and people who are interested in Japanese culture is increasing significantly. It is unfortunate that the case of Coronavirus is still unstable but during this time, I will try my best to enhance the Japanese language and cultural programs in our Japan Foundation Yangon branch by adapting the new ways to connect with more Myanmar people. In addition, I will endeavor to provide better programs from which you will gain much interest and knowledge about Japan.

I also regard that Myanmar is a country which is prosperous in tradition and culture. During my assignment here, I would like to not only introduce about Japan, but also learn about Myanmar culture and introduce it to Japanese people. So, if you have some recommendations of Myanmar cultural events to hold, please do let me know.

Thank you.

MATSUO Hirotaka
The Japan Foundation, Yangon

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