Have you ever felt different when you see a person who has different culltural background? Have you even encountered any incidents where you were mistreated because your cultural values and beliefs do not coincide with the majoirty group’s cultural values and beliefs? Have you ever wondered what could be the possible solutions that can pinpoint the missing link that connect people of different religions, borders and language?
Theatre and dance performances about empathy and anitpathy facing cultural differences at “The Strangers” will make you realize the answers!
The Strangers, co-organized by the Goethe-Institut Myanamr and the Japan Foundation, Yangon, is at 3 pm on June 29 at the Goethe-Institut. The international dancers from Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Malaysia will perform in collaboration with the dramaturg Julia Hesse from Germany and the director Leandro Kees from Argentina/Germany.
Please join us at the Goethe-Institut to explore the new findings about people of cultural differences and how we can find something beautiful in common amond strangers.
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